Have your say – Inclusion and children with disability in ECEC and school age education and care

Roberta Reid - Educator signing language

Consultation summary report now available

To inform the Australian Government’s 2020 review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE), ACECQA coordinated stakeholder consultation on behalf of all governments with providers, peak bodies and other sector professionals about levels of knowledge, understanding and application of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). We asked questions about access and participation by children with disability to education and care – including the role of the National Quality Framework (NQF) to promote inclusive practice – the findings of which were provided to governments to inform the 2020 review.

The summary report containing stakeholder engagement findings is now available. Key findings include:

  • that barriers exist to the effective access and participation of children with disability in children’s education and care, with more needing to be done to raise awareness of the DDA and promote inclusive access and participation for children with disability. There is a need for greater clarity and guidance for service providers about what constitutes a ‘reasonable adjustment’ and ‘unjustifiable hardship’ in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and school age education and care
  • a majority view that the NQF has helped increase awareness and understanding of what constitutes effective inclusive practice in a way that caters for need – and builds on strengths – at the individual child level.

View the Summary Report

View the Appendices

The Australian Government’s 2020 DSE Review has now been finalised and the recommendations offer a great opportunity to build upon our collective efforts to support children with disability to access and participate in children’s education and care.

For more information, read the stakeholder discussion paper or the ACECQA newsletter