Have your say: Inclusion of children with disability in ECEC and school age education and care
On behalf of all governments, ACECQA is currently seeking the views of providers of early childhood education and care (ECEC) and school age education and care services across Australia.
We want to know whether greater clarity is needed to promote an increased understanding of the rights of children with disability - and your obligations as an ECEC and/or school age education care provider – under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
We’d also like to hear about how children with disability are accessing and participating in ECEC/school age education and care services, including examples of effective approaches to inclusive education and care.
Your feedback will help us inform the Australian Government’s 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
To have your say, visit the consultation page on the ACECQA website.
Survey responses and written submissions will be accepted up until Wednesday 16 September 2020. All survey responses will remain anonymous. We may make written submissions public, unless you tell us not to.
ACECQA will publish a high level summary of stakeholder engagement findings in late 2020.