National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy Online Dashboard

ACECQA has published the Shaping Our Future online dashboard as part of our commitment to the implementation of the National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy (2022-2031).

Australian governments and sector stakeholders have collaborated to develop this ten-year strategy to ensure a sustainable, high-quality children’s education and care workforce.  The strategy includes 21 nationally agreed actions to be delivered over the short (by the end of 2024), medium (by the end of 2027) or long term (by the end of 2031), grouped by six inter-related focus areas:  

  1. Professional recognition  
  2. Attraction and retention  
  3. Leadership and capability  
  4. Wellbeing  
  5. Qualifications and career pathways  
  6. Data and evidence. 
National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy Online Dashboard

The online dashboard has three parts to explore: 

  1. The implementation tracker follows the progress of the 21 nationally agreed actions within the strategy.  
  2. The complementary initiatives are a range of new and enhanced workforce related programs that align to and support the six focus areas of the strategy.  
  3. The six focus areas of the strategy are interrelated and include overarching evaluation indicators, which are intended to measure improvement over the lifetime of the ten-year strategy. These will begin to be reported upon when the online dashboard is updated in April 2024. 

Shaping Our Future and the Shaping Our Future: Implementation and Evaluation Plan are also available to download on the ACECQA website

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