Review of NQF staffing and qualification regulations

In October 2021, Education Ministers approved the publication of Shaping Our Future: the National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy (2022-2031) to support the recruitment, retention, sustainability and quality of the sector workforce. One of the 21 national actions commits to a comprehensive review of the current NQF staffing and qualification regulations to improve consistency, support quality, and reduce complexity, with a focus on the requirements for early childhood teachers, outside school hours care educators, and expiring transitional staffing provisions. ACECQA has been commissioned to undertake this review on behalf of all governments.

Throughout May, June and July, all interested parties will have the opportunity to share their views by completing the online survey. There will also be opportunities to learn more about the goals of the review and the regulations under consideration through targeted consultations with national, state and territory sector organisations and public consultation webinars.

The results of this consultation will inform the development of options for governments to consider at the end of the year.

More information about this important review is available on the ACECQA website:

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