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The quality of outside school hours care services continues to rise – from 75% Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS) or above in 2020 to 88% today – according to the…

CEO foreword Welcome to our fourth issue for 2024. In this edition, we continue to promote and foster continuous quality improvement by approved education and care services in line with…
National Workforce Strategy

We have updated the Shaping Our Future online dashboard as part of our commitment to the implementation of the National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy (2022–2031). Australian governments and…

In line with Action FA5-2 of Shaping Our Future, the ACECQA Board has completed a review of its requirements for early childhood teaching programs under the NQF. The Board’s decisions…

Do you find it difficult to understand when you need to notify your regulatory authority of an incident, complaint or change of information? Our website now features an interactive notifications…

In partnership with all governments, we have released a set of recommended child safe practices for the use of electronic devices when taking, sharing and storing photos and/or videos of…

Approved providers are encouraged to share their experiences in the NQF Approved Providers Perception Survey 2024. The survey aims to monitor and identify changes in perception of administrative burden experienced…

CEO foreword Welcome to our third edition for 2024. June and July are months of significant events for our sector including the commencement of NAIDOC Week on 7 July 2024…

The Education and Care Services National Regulations set the fees for children’s education and care services under the National Quality Framework (NQF) and these fees are indexed annually. Fees are…

For the third consecutive quarter, the proportion of children’s education and care services rated Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS) or above has remained at 90%, according to the latest NQF…