Excellent rating awarded to Hillsong Child Care Centre
Date awarded 08/12/2016
Hillsong Child Care Centre has been awarded the Excellent rating by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
The service, based in Baulkham Hills, was recognised for the support it provides to families, its workplace culture and leadership within the community.
Michael Petrie, ACECQA Acting Chief Executive Officer, congratulated Hillsong Child Care.
“Hillsong Child Care supports families in their role as parents, extending the impact the service has on children beyond the time they spend at the service and demonstrating the kind of leadership we look for when awarding the Excellent rating,” Mr Petrie said.
The service provides parenting education through the Strengthening Families Program along with the service’s ‘Strengthening Families’ magazine which has published articles on topics such as oral health, effective communication with children and the importance of attachment. Information sessions are also provided based on the needs and wants of the families and form part of Hillsong Child Care’s ‘Family Events and Professional Learning Calendar’ which is distributed to families. Support is also provided to educators, whose knowledge, skills and interests are recognised through a variety of opportunities which foster leadership.
“Areas of the service’s curriculum are delegated to individual educators to oversee, placing a high value on their skills and expertise,” Mr Petrie said.
Hillsong Child Care has supported children in its community by publishing a series of books designed to promote language skills in the home environment. These books and related resources also provide opportunities for children to learn about emotions and how to manage a wide range of feelings. Hillsong Child Care has also written a five part series for educators on reflective practice which supports the broader education and care sector.
“I congratulate Hillsong Child Care on this achievement which recognises their exceptional practices and the leadership they have shown within their sector and community,” Mr Petrie said.
Services that receive an overall rating of ‘Exceeding the National Quality Standard’ can apply for the Excellent rating.
More information is available on the ACECQA website and the Hillsong Child Care Centre website.