Excellent rating awarded to Millville Childcare Centre

Date awarded: 18/12/2017

Valid until: 17/12/2020

Millville Childcare Centre has been awarded the Excellent rating by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), the highest rating a service can achieve under the National Quality Framework.

Services that receive an overall rating of ‘Exceeding National Quality Standard’ can apply for the Excellent rating. The Excellent rating is awarded for three years. After this time services have the option to re-apply. 

The Colac-based service was recognised for its collaborative partnerships with professional, community or research organisations, commitment to children that respects, reflects and celebrates culture and diversity, including place of origin, inclusive partnerships with children and families, practice and environments that enhance children’s learning and growth, positive workplace culture and organisational values, and sustained commitment to professional development and support of educators.

Examples of exceptional practice at the service include:

  • A partnership with Colac Area Health and Child First that provides vulnerable children and families with access to community and health care services on site at the service.
  • A strong commitment to partnering with children and families. This is evident through the service’s comprehensive enrolment and orientation process and the multiple and responsive ways it communicates and encourages family participation.
  • Promoting a sense of school community and peer relationships with children from Colac Secondary School through its year nine community program.
  • Building positive relationships with the local primary school to support children and families during the school transition process.
  • An intergenerational education program with Colac District Adult Day Activity Centre that enhances children‘s sense of belonging and provides opportunities for children to share their learning with the residents.
  • A strong commitment to early intervention and supporting children with additional needs to participate fully in the service’s programs through its alignment with Vision Australia, Down Syndrome Australia, Deaf Children Australia, play therapists and physiotherapists.

As a leader in the sector, Millville Childcare Centre shares its practice and learnings with other education and care services through contributing to professional publications, newsletters and mentoring students from TAFE, universities and other training organisations, helping to ensure its positive impact reaches beyond the children and families who access the service. 

More information on the Excellent rating is available on the ACECQA website