National Decision Tree
This interactive tool helps approved providers notify regulatory authorities of incidents, complaints and updated information.
This National Decision Tree is provided to assist Approved Providers in deciding whether a notification is required and the timeframe in which that notification should be made.
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Notifications provide transparency and accountability, and enable serious incidents, complaints, and breaches of the Education and Care Services National Law (National Law) and Education and Care Services National Regulations (National Regulations) to be effectively monitored, tracked, and resolved.
Core objectives of the National Quality Framework include ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of children, as well as improving educational and developmental outcomes for children attending services.
Approved Providers have an obligation under the National Law to notify the Regulatory Authority of certain incidents, complaints and changes to information.
If a notification is needed, you will be directed to the National Quality Agenda IT System to log in and lodge the relevant online form. Please fill in all of the relevant fields in the form and include any relevant documentation, so that the Regulatory Authority can quickly and accurately assess what (if any) action needs to be taken as a result of your notification.
It is the Approved Provider’s responsibility to understand their obligations and operate according to the requirements of the National Law. Penalties may apply.
In addition to submitting a notification to your Regulatory Authority, there may be other obligations that apply under the National Law (such as completing an illness/injury form), the Australian Government’s A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 (Family Assistance Law), and other State and Territory laws, including child protection legislation.
Please note that information in this National Decision Tree has been prepared as a resource for general guidance only and you must consider the specific circumstances of each situation against the requirements of the National Law when you assess whether you need to notify. The National Decision Tree is not legal advice and should be read in conjunction with the National Law and Regulations, which take precedence over any guidance.
For more information, please contact your Regulatory Authority.