Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities


The aim of Quality Area 6 under the National Quality Standard is to recognise that collaborative relationships with families are fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children and that community partnerships that are based on active communication, consultation and collaboration are also essential.

Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

Standard 6.1 Supportive relationships with families Respectful relationships with families are developed and maintained and families are supported in their parenting role.
Element 6.1.1 Engagement with the service Families are supported from enrolment to be involved in the service and contribute to service decisions.
Element 6.1.2 Parent views are respected The expertise, culture, values and beliefs of families are respected and families share in decision-making about their child’s learning and wellbeing.
Element 6.1.3 Families are supported Current information is available to families about the service and relevant community services and resources to support parenting and family wellbeing.
Standard 6.2 Collaborative partnerships Collaborative partnerships enhance children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing.
Element 6.2.1 Transitions Continuity of learning and transitions for each child are supported by sharing information and clarifying responsibilities.
Element 6.2.2 Access and participation Effective partnerships support children's access, inclusion and participation in the program.
Element 6.2.3 Community engagement The service builds relationships and engages with its community.

Supportive relationships with families

A targeted approach to parent engagement: A case study – Department for Education and Child Development, South Australia

A matter of perspective (Early learning) – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in early childhood education and care – Case Study 1 – Commonwealth of Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in early childhood education and care – Case Study 2 – Commonwealth of Australia

Actively engaging families – The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Build strong partnerships with families – Child Australia

Cultural awareness – Reconciliation resources – Early Childhood Australia

Cultural Competence in Early Childhood Education and Care Services, SNAICC Consultation Overview – SNAICC

Differential parenting of children from diverse cultural backgrounds attending child care – Australian Institute of Family Studies

Don’t forget to play – CELA

Early years – Queensland Government Early Childhood Education and Care

Early years support guide – Rainbow Families

ECRH Newsletter: Diverse families – Commonwealth of Australia

ECRH Newsletter: Surviving in at time of uncertainty – Commonwealth of Australia

Engaging marginalised and vulnerable families – The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Engaging with families: Social Media – An open and closed book – Commonwealth of Australia

Engaging with families: Social Media – Policies – Commonwealth of Australia

Engaging with families: Social Media – Smart Online – Commonwealth of Australia

Father-inclusive practice guide – Commonwealth of Australia

First impressions, lasting impressions – Inclusive Directions

How to create a learning environment – Early Childhood Australia

How to generate family involvement in service management – Community Child Care

How to get parents more involved: A case study – Department for Education, South Australia

Indigenous participation in early childhood education and care: Qualitative case studies – Commonwealth of Australia

Indigenous Professional Support Unit (NSW & ACT) – Children's Services Central

Information sheet: Quality Area 6 – Building partnerships with families – ACECQA

Information sheet: Quality Area 6 – Enrolment and orientation – ACECQA

Integrating services for young children and their families – The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Love (still) makes a family – Rainbow Families

Our service: Welcoming our families – Child Australia

Parenting resources – Deadly Tots

Perceptions of parenting: mapping gaps in understanding – Frameworks & Parenting Research Centre

Policy tip sheet: Including family input – PSC Alliance

Promoting, exploring and sharing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures: EYLF Outcome 3 – SNAICC

Respectful relationships and responsive engagement – Department of Education and Training Victoria 

Support for children with EAL at transition to school – VCAA

Supporting vulnerable families: Self-guided learning package – Community Child Care Victoria

Talking about parenting: Why a radical communications shift is needed to drive better outcomes for children – Australian Institute of Family Studies

Talking about the science of parenting – Frameworks Institute

We hear you blog: Embedding culture in sustainable ways – ACECQA

We hear you blog: Reconciliation – ACECQA

Welcome to Country – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Welcome to Country – Reconciliation Australia

Welcoming conversations with culturally and linguistically diverse families – Child Australia

What is ECI, why is it important and how can ECI services support families? – Early Childhood Intervention Australia

Collaborative Partnerships

Autism Hub: Online transition resource – Queensland Department of Education

Build relationships with community – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Build relationships with community – Reconciliation Australia

Children's agency in communities: A review of literature and the policy and practice context – Benevolent Society 

Community partnerships to improve literacy – AITSL

Continuity of learning: A resource to support effective transition to school and school age care – Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment 

Cultural competence for staff – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Cultural competence for staff – Reconciliation Australia

Curriculum resources – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Developing a sense of identity and belonging – Commonwealth of Australia / Inclusive Directions

ECRH Newsletter: Building understandings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and peoples – Commonwealth of Australia

Establish and maintain community links: Self-guided learning package – Community Child Care Victoria

Explore current affairs and issues – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Explore current affairs and issues – Reconciliation Australia

Five fast facts: NAIDOC Week – Reconciliation Australia

How to develop a RAP for a school or early learning service – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

Inclusion is… poster – Children's Services Central

Inclusion of children with additional needs: Self-guided learning package – Community Child Care Victoria

Inclusion resources – Victorian Inclusion Agency

Information sheet: Quality Area 6 – Building partnerships with families – ACECQA

Information sheet: Quality Area 6 – Enrolment and orientation – ACECQA

Let’s talk: 26 January – Reconciliation Australia

Let’s talk: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day – Reconciliation Australia

Let’s talk: Sacred ground – names and places – Reconciliation Australia

Let’s talk: Sorry Day – Reconciliation Australia

My Time, Our Place: Promoting collaborative partnerships between school age care services and schools – Commonwealth of Australia

NQS PLP e-Newsletter: Collaborative partnerships with families – Commonwealth of Australia

NQS PLP e-Newsletter: Curriculum decision-making for inclusive practice – Commonwealth of Australia

NQS PLP e-Newsletter: Transitions – moving in, moving up and moving on – Commonwealth of Australia

Partnerships with professionals – Rachel McKernan, Amy Church and Collette Tayler / Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Place-based approaches to supporting children and families – The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Plan effective transitions for children in education and care services – Child Australia

Q&A: Flying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags – Reconciliation Australia

Statement on the inclusion of every child in early childhood education and care – Early Childhood Australia

Steps to inclusion – KU Children’s Services

Supporting smooth transitions to school – The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

The journey of inclusion poster – KU Children’s Services

Transition: A positive start to school resource kit – Department of Education and Training, Victoria

Transition learning and development statements – Department of Education and Training, Victoria

Transition statements: Building partnerships – QCAA

Transition to primary school: Building effective practices for Koorie children – Department of Education and Training, Victoria

Transition to primary school: Working with Koorie children and families – Department of Education and Training, Victoria

Transition to school – QCAA

Transition to school reciprocal visits – Department of Education and Training, Victoria

Visual supports – KU Children’s Services

We hear you blog: Transition to school – ACECQA

We hear you blog: Using the AEDC to support transition – ACECQA

Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country – Reconciliation Australia

What is a RAP? – Narragunnawali, Reconciliation Australia

What is the best modern evidence to guide building a community? – ARACY

Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children toolkit – Emerging Minds

You’re in new Country – Commonwealth of Australia

You’re never too old to play: Intergenerational learning programs – Educa