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NQS knowledge game
The Quest for Quality is a trivia-style game for educators on the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS). It brings a bit of fun into your professional discussions and critical reflection, and tests your knowledge of the NQS.
Purchase a set of knowledge cards
Print off (double-sided) your own copy:
Handbook and game spinner
Extension packs
Please note: Printed copies of the Exceptional Practice, Exceeding National Quality Standard, Documentation and Components of Quality extension packs are not yet available for sale and not included as part of the costs when selecting the All Extension Packs purchase option.
This game is available for download only:
These three games are available for download only:
NQF - Who Does What?
Do you sometimes get stuck with working out who does what under the National Quality Framework? The NQF - Who Does What? card game is a quick interactive activity for education and care staff that has a focus on some of the different roles and functions that ACECQA and the state and territory regulatory authorities have. Why not download the game and see how your team goes playing it, and who knows what!
Exceeding NQS themes activity
Are you looking for a way to reflect on Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS) practice at your service? The Exceeding NQS themes activity can assist service and educational leaders engage service staff with the three Exceeding NQS themes:
- Practice is embedded in service operations
- Practice is informed by critical reflection
- Practice is shaped by meaningful engagement with families and/or the community.
This activity will assist in determining service strengths where there is evidence of practice that aligns with Exceeding NQS themes, as well as consider opportunities to include in your service’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).