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Mentors for Beginning Early Childhood Teachers
Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, and Georgia Irvine Casey a beginning ECT, share their insights about mentoring in this Queensland University of Technology (QUT) resource. They discuss the importance of having a good mentor, while studying and throughout your career. They also consider the benefits gained from being a mentor.
Become a children’s education and care professional
Have you ever considered becoming an educator or teacher? Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, shares her insight into choosing a career in children’s education and care. Educators and teachers make a significant and lasting contribution to the lives of children, their wellbeing, development, education and lifelong learning.
Related resource
ACECQA – Educational leadership
NQF Series – Educational leadership
Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, shares her insight into educational leadership in children’s education and care services. Rhonda discusses the importance of the role, selecting and supporting the educational leader, and how educational leaders are an integral part of the service and the National Quality Framework.
Being the education leaders of tomorrow
Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, challenges those studying to enter the children’s education and care sector to think of themselves as future educational leaders, how they see the role and how they might see themselves in the role in the future.
Critical reflection – Recording and sharing information
Catherine Lee, Director and Nominated Supervisor at The Point Preschool shares her thoughts on critical reflection.
Critical reflection – Evaluation and its challenges
Catherine Lee, Director and Nominated Supervisor at The Point Preschool, takes us through their ongoing process of evaluation and the way her team overcomes the challenges.
Role of educational leader
Kym Groth and the late Peta McNellie and from Family Day Care Association Queensland, Evelyn Callaghan and Sarah White from Deakin School for Early Learning and Kylie Brannelly from the Queensland Children's Activity Network, talk about the role within their services.
Note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should exercise caution when watching this video as it contains images and sounds of a deceased person.
Documenting and assessing children's learning
Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, discusses documenting and assessing children’s learning.
Incorporating cultural competence in everyday practice
A panel discussion on incorporating cultural competence into everyday practice.
Leadership in education and care
Joce Nuttall, Professor at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne and former ACECQA Board member, discusses leadership in children’s education and care services and how it impacts on the quality areas of the National Quality Standard.
Educational leaders supporting the cycle of planning
Joce Nuttall, Professor at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne and former ACECQA Board member, considers the way educational leaders support the cycle of planning and take a longer-term view when thinking about and evaluating programs for children.
Critical reflection in practice
Service leaders explore the meaning of critical reflection and share examples of practice and advice on how critical reflection can be embedded in service practice.
Related resource
ACECQA – Information sheet – Developing a culture of learning through reflective practice
Continuous improvement in practice
Insights from service leaders who have successfully included continuous quality improvement as part of their daily practice, including advice on effective team collaboration, and how to develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).
Related resource
ACECQA – Quality Improvement Plan
New to the Committee of an education and care service
ACECQA’s National Education Leader discusses the important role management committees have and also explores the changes to the National Quality Framework that are important to know as new committee members.
The role and exciting future of educational leaders
Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, presented to the Educational Leaders Western Australia Forum on the role and exciting future of educational leaders.
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Presentation resources
ACECQA – Infographic – ACECQA’s Top Ten Online Resources
ACECQA – Worksheet – Provocations