Review of NQF Staffing and Qualifications Regulations

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About this review

The children’s education and care sector has made significant progress since the introduction of the NQF, thanks to the efforts of hundreds of thousands of service providers, educational leaders, educators and ECT's. Demand for high quality children’s education and care is stronger than ever and continues to grow. However, as we enter the second decade of the NQF, we are experiencing issues attracting and retaining highly qualified and experienced educators and ECTs.

One of the 21 actions within Shaping Our Future commits to a comprehensive review of the current NQF staffing and qualification regulations to improve consistency, support quality, and reduce complexity. ACECQA has been commissioned to undertake this work on behalf of all governments.

Review of NQF Staffing and Qualifications Regulations Public consultation

Throughout May, June and July we heard your perspectives on how the NQF staffing and qualification regulations could be improved.

Watch this short video to learn more.

Read the Public Consultation Document for more information.

Over 5000 people provided feedback via the online survey between 1 May and 4 August 2023. Over 900 people attended our online consultation webinars. Watch the webinar or download the Public Webinar - Review of NQF qualifications and staffing presentation.

Your feedback is important and will help to inform options for governments to consider at the end of this year.