National Workforce Forum

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Forum participants watching panel

On behalf of all governments, ACECQA hosted the first biennial National Workforce Forum in November 2023. The forum is an important component of Shaping Our Future, the National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy (2022-2031).  

The 2023 forum focussed on 11 of the 21 actions of the strategy, as outlined in the implementation tracker of the online dashboard

The forum also welcomed the Productivity Commission who shared their draft report, as well as speakers from Forbes Preschool, Child Australia, HumanAbility, Jobs and Skills Australia, and Macquarie University, who highlighted a range of practices, programs and research designed to support the children’s education and care workforce.  

Some of the presentations from the forum can be found below:   

Shaping Our Future acknowledges and builds on the significant investment by all governments to date in workforce related initiatives, as well as a range of recent and ongoing initiatives launched by the children’s education and care sector.